3D work
After completing my doctorate in cultural informatics, I was given a teaching position at Ansbach University of Applied Sciences in the field of multimedia and communication, 3D graphics and was able to apply my knowledge in research projects and in a documentary film.
Romanesque portal of the church of St. Kastulus in Moosburg
Inventory recording
The portal was examined in detail for a virtual reconstruction of the historical colors. In addition to scientific research, inventory mapping and microscopic color examinations were carried out.
Client: Art Department of the Archbishopric of Munich
Romanesque portal of the church of St. Kastulus in Moosburg
virtual color reconstruction
The virtual color reconstruction was carried out in a real-time model, which allows the viewer to independently view the color version from around 1100 AD and to "get close" to certain areas. Only those areas were reconstructed in color that produced scientifically clearly verifiable results.
Client: Art Department of the Archbishopric of Munich